
oktober 19, 2022

IRM:s prognose for annoncemarkedet 2023: Annoncemarkedet vender til negativ udvikling i en urolig tid

I dag har IRM – Institutet för reklam- och mediestatistik, præsenteret sin nye prognose for annoncemarkedets udvikling i 2022 og 2023.

oktober 19, 2022

The strong Nordic growth continues in the first half of 2022

During January-June 2022, Nordic ad spend increase by 12,4 percent

juni 15, 2022

A remarkable recovery for the Nordic advertsing market in 2021

2021 marks a remarkable recovery for the Nordic advertsing market, delivering the strongest growth ever
recorded by IRM.

april 21, 2022

Nyt all-time-high drevet af en unik stærk digital vækst.

Nyt all-time-high for det Danske reklamemarked.

oktober 28, 2021

Nordic ad spend up +17.6%

During January-June 2021, Nordic ad spend amounted to 4.6 billion euro an increase by 17.6 percent when adjusted for exchange rate. 

oktober 22, 2021

IRM Prognose: Det danske reklamemarked 2021 og 2022

IRM:s rapport for første halvår 2021 viser en stærk genopretning. Hvad kan vi forvente i resten af 2021? Og hvilket budget er det rimeligt og realistisk at sætte op for 2022?

juni 15, 2021

In the wake of the pandemic, IRM records the largest decline in Nordic ad sales since the financial crisis.

The Nordic ad market has been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic and all four individual markets show declines during 2020.